Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sri Lanka Council of RfP Opens Multi-Religious School in Conflict-Affected Area

After three decades of war in the Vavuniya district of Sri Lanka, the Tachibana RfP pre-school, a multi
religious center of learning, opened on 21 February and marked another significant milestone for the Sri Lanka Council of RfP (SLCRP).

The 60 children enrolled in the new school come from Sri Lanka's diverse religious communities. Studying and playing together will help rebuild bridges of trust among their families even as they receive a high-quality education in a safe, protected and calm environment.

The Tachibana RfP Pre-school was opened with the financial assistance of Tachibana Sangyo Corporation, Japan.

Members of the Sri Lanka Council of RfP who attended the ceremony included: The Most Venerable
Professor Bellanvila Wimalaratana Anunayaka Thero, President, [Co-President ofRfP]; Most Venerable Maduluwawe Sobhita Nayaya Thero, Vice President; Venerable Professor Medawachchiye
Dhammajothi Thero, General Secretary; Ms.Sivanandini Duraiswamy, Treasurer; Mrs. Christobel
Saverimuttu, Assistant Treasurer; Kurukkal Babusharma, Vice President; Moulavi S.H.Athambawa, Vice President; and Mr. P. D. Padmasiri.

Rev. Norio Sakai, Rissho Kosei-kai, Japan, [International Trustee of RfP] gave an inspiring account of
how Japan reconstructed after the World War II and the role played by late former Sri Lankan President J. R. Jayawardena in support of Japanese people.

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