Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BMF Core Members Meeting, Jakarta (Aug 12-13, 2014)

Just completed a two-day Core Members meeting of the International Forum for Buddhist-Muslim Relations (BMF) in Jakarta. Very good discussions including visits to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Indonesian Ambassador to ASEAN. The meetings ended with a lively youth forum. 

Among the key initiatives in the coming months will be an international conference on Buddhist-Muslim relations which is planned to be held in April 2015 in Jakarta. Also in the works are several youth initiatives and exchange programs. More details to follow.

Our thanks and deep appreciation to  the Center for Dialogue and Cooperations between Civilizations (CDCC) for hosting the meetings. Thank you to all Core Members and supporting organizations too.

Meeting in progress 

Meeting with HE Rahmat Pramono, Ambassador / Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to ASEAN.

Meeting with Ms Esti Andayani, Director General for information and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia.

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