Sunday, December 17, 2017

Building Inclusive Societies in South Asia: The Role of Religious Leaders

BMF's Secretary, K V Soon (Vidyananda) was invited to his views on the the role of religious leaders in building inclusive societies. He shared the need for religious leaders to rethink their engagement with the community and to be more socially engaged in a forum held within the 2 day event.

We deeply appreciate the UN Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect for this invitation and look forward to further ties and collaboration to build peaceful and inclusive societies.

Religious and Traditional Peacemakers

The International Forum on Buddhist - Muslim Relations (BMF) was invited to attend The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers Advisory Group Meeting on November 15-18, 2017

The event was held at Rose Castle, outside of Carlisle.

Represented by it Secretary, K V Soon (Vidyananda) shared his concerns on the growing religious tension in South and South East Asia. He also share his thoughts on the impact of the Rohingya crisis and the radicalization of Buddhism in Myanmar. Discussions on action plan and solutions were also held.

The Advisory Group meeting was attended by over 30 religious peacemakers from around the world.

Friday, September 22, 2017


Session on
State Crimes Allegedly Committed in Myanmar against the Rohingyas, Kachins and Other Groups
University of Malaya, Faculty of Law
18-22 September 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Invitation: People's Tribunal on Myanmar (September 18-22, 2017)

We would like to announce that BMF along with International Movement for a Just World (JUST)  and Center for Human Rights Advocacy and Research (CENTHRA) are organizing committee for the People's Tribunal on the Rohingyas, Kachin and other Ethnic Minorities.
London, March 2017

The Rome-based Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) will hold the Concluding Session of its proceedings on the Rohingyas, the Kachins and other groups in Myanmar in Kuala Lumpur from the 18th to the 22nd of September 2017.
London, March 2017
The Inaugural Session was held at the International State Crime Initiative, Queen Mary University of London on the 6th and 7th of March 2017. The Tribunal urged the UN and ASEAN to take swift and effective measures to stop international state crimes against the Rohingyas and Kachins, specifically. Though neither the UN nor ASEAN has responded effectively, the importance of addressing the issues confronting the two communities remains as urgent as ever.
More information is available at

We support and  believe that this event is necessary to highlight the situation and for us to understand the what's happening on the ground in Myanmar. With a lack of direct and formal access to document the situation, this is probably the best opportunity to appreciate the real situation for us to map out action plans.
We would like to invite you to come to Kuala Lumpur during that period to witness the proceedings. The details of the meeting are as follows:
Date: September 18-22, 2017,        VENUE: University of Malaya (UM) (Map)
If you do intend to come, please arrive on or before the 17th September, 2017 and depart on the 23rd September 2017.  
Full schedule will be available shortly. 

Please click here to confirm your attendance
Please EMAIL If you require information on the logistics, accommodation and travel information, please email the same address.

Monday, October 10, 2016

BMF Membership: Invitation to join us

Dear Friends,

We happy to announce that membership has opened for the International Forum of Buddhist Muslim Relationship (BMF) and we invite you join us and support initiatives in collaboration, peace building and strategic networking.

We look forward joining of ideas and collaborative effort to build platforms for positive interfaith engagement especially among Buddhists and Muslims communities.

Please click here for information on membership

For membership form, please click here.

If you are new to BMF, you might like to download our Jogyakarta Statement 

For more information, please contact:

Interim Secretariat: 
International  Forum on Buddhist-Muslim Relationsc/o International Movement for a Just World
JKR, 1258, Jalan Telok Off Jalan Gasing,  
P.O. Box 288. Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Vidyananda (KV Soon)

Hassanal Noor Rashid